AS SEEN IN : Your Kent Wedding Wedding July / August 2020

Your Kent wedding Summer 2020 issue
Urban Wedding fern and neon wedding invitation
I was lucky enough to collaborate with a bunch of very talented small businesses back in the tail end of 2019, organised by Keri Clark, to create this beautiful Urban style Wedding Shoot, which has just been featured on the cover of Your Kent Wedding this month (July / August 2020).
Inspired by the neon lights of Urban areas and the understated beauty of Fern foliage, the invites I created for this shoot are a geometric botanical style with a modern twist.
Urban Fern and Neon wedding invitations
Modern fern wedding invitations by Fawn & Thistle
Keri got her inspiration from the wanting to showcase the gorgeous & modern wedding dresses from Coop Couture in less traditional surroundings (The Turner Contemporary), who's sleekness and modernity complimented the dresses.
If you're looking for someone to help design you a bespoke wedding stationery suite or are interested in this particular set, then please get in touch at
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